Just a short 2.5 hour drive from Las Vegas sits one of the Worlds Seven Wonders. That of course would be the Grand Canyon. The Native American Indian Tribe the Hualapai that oversees this location has built several attractions which draws several million visitors a year to see this wonder.

The first of these happens to be the Overlook at Eagle Point. This majestic facility welcomes you with out door viewing right up to the edge of the Canyon Rim (that’s right there is no guard rail). As you wonder alone the rim just off to the left is the visitor center that boasts a 2nd floor restaurant with a magnificent canyon view, and small museum, deli and gift shop on the first floor. Lastly the gem of the center is glass bottom over-hang that extends out over the canyon some 4,000 feet above the canyon floor. This over-hang is a half circle that in nearly the width of the center extending nearly 50 feet over the canyon from the rims edge.

This location also houses a trail of exhibits that demonstrate the Hualapai Tribes and other Native Tribes of the region cultural history thru their ancestral dwellings and habitat. Also located at Eagle Point is a large outdoor amphitheater to hold tribal and other events.

Just a few minutes down the canyon rim you’ll arrive at a second location that may be even more spectacular that the first. This location is known as Gunao Point (Gunao means bat excrement). Yes, many years ago this location was utilized to mine bat excrement from a cave that was across and at the base of the river (you can see the cave from the top of the rim). At the edge of the rim and several locations across the canyon where there are the remnants of the towers leading toward the cave which was mined.

That being said, Gunao Point has some vistas that are quite remarkable. At the end of the point there is a small rock hill you can easy navigate to get a full 360 degree view. Guano also had a snack shop with a smaller version of the amphitheater found at Eagle Point.

The Hualapai Tribe has cabins nearby to rent overnight as well as river rafting, kayak and helicopter tours nearby. The day trip for the two locations (Eagle & Guano Points) plus the Eagle Point overlook was $116 for two adults. A bit steep but perhaps for some but if this is going to be your only trip to the Grand Canyon in your lifetime, it is well worth the price.

Here is some information to Grand Canyon West: Address: Eagle Point Rd, Grand Canyon West, Hualapai Reservation, AZ 86434 Phone: +1 888 868 9378 Hours: Open ยท Closes 5:30PM https://grandcanyonwest.com/